Models for Galaxy Formation and Evolution


Semi-Analytic Model

“Semi-analytic galaxy formation models are established tools for connecting the predicted hierarchical growth of dark matter haloes to the observed properties of the galaxy population. Semi-analytic models employ a forward-modelling approach and are constructed such that they contain as much as possible of the baryonic physics that is thought to be relevant to galaxy evolution, albeit at a simplified, macroscopic level. The simplified, macroscopic nature of semi-analytic models means that they are computationally inexpensive to evaluate.” - Mitchell et al. 2017

Semi-Empirical Model (SEM)

Other Model

  • Here is a list of model for galaxy formation that can not be easily classied as SAM or SEM.
  • The Iκϵα model of feedback-regulated galaxy formation
    • In Iκϵα, a galaxy’s star formation rate is set by the balance between energy injected by feedback from massive stars and energy lost by the deepening of the potential of its host dark matter halo due to cosmological accretion.