About Writing Academic Paper ============================ .. figure:: https://gitlab.com/dr-guangtou/taotie/blob/master/doc/images/keep_calm_write_on.png :alt: Keep calm and write on Keep calm and write on Basics ------ - `Notes on writing papers by Prof. Alexie Leauthaud `__ Examples ~~~~~~~~ - Good example of papers with good reproducibility: - `STARRY: Analytic Occultation Light Curves `__ - Format, equation, figure, open source code, and awesomefont links. English ------- - `Grammarly `__ - `Linguee - Good place to search for example usage of a word `__ - `Linggle 10^12 - Another place to search for real world usage of a word `__ Useful Tools ------------ - `adstex - manage your bibtex entries `__ - By Yao-Yuan Mao; Automated generation of NASA ADS bibtex entries directly from citation keys in your TeX source files - `The Astronomy Acknowledgement Generator `__ - This is very useful! The data are kept `here `__ - `PDF Compressor `__ - This is useful when you want to compress the quality of a figure. - `Tabula - Tool for liberating data tables locked inside PDF files `__ LaTeX ----- Online LaTeX Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Overleaf `__ - The most commonly used one. The free service is already very good. - `Authorea `__ - A powerful publishing platform for articles, data, figures, preprints. More than just a LaTeX editor. LaTeX resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Complete list of LaTeX symbols (PDF) `__ - `List of LaTeX mathematical symbols `__ - `LaTeX open book on WikiBooks `__ - Very good place to search for basic usage. - `List of color names in LaTeX along with other useful tips about color `__ Useful LaTeX tips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Link to aribitary part of text `__ - Using **\\hypertarget** and **\\hyperlink** Figure ------ Flowchart ~~~~~~~~~ - `mermaid - Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown `__ - **mermaid**, a simple markdown-like script language for generating charts from text via javascript.