All about Lensing: Strong, Weak, and Micro ========================================== Strong Lensing -------------- Modeling ~~~~~~~~ - `PyAutoLens - Automated Strong Gravitational Lens Modeling `__ - From James Nightingale. Based on `Adaptive Semi-linear Inversion of Strong Gravitational Lens Imaging `__ and `AutoLens: Automated Modeling of a Strong Lens’s Light, Mass and Source `__ - `lenstronomy - Software package for lens model reconstruction of imaging data `__ - By Simon Birrer. **lenstronomy** is a multi-purpose package to model strong gravitational lenses. - Based on `Lenstronomy: multi-purpose gravitational lens modelling software package `__ - `vislens - Module for modeling gravitational lensing systems in which the data are not images but interferometric visibilities `__ - **Visilens** is a python module for modeling gravitational lensing systems observed by a radio/mm interferometer like ALMA or ATCA. Weak Lensing ------------ - Some of the tools overlap with the cosmology tools section. - `LensTools - Useful computing tools for Weak Lensing analyses `__ - This python add-on will handle basically every operation you will need to perform on Weak Lensing survey data; the distribution includes a range of tools in image analysis, statistical processing and numerical theory predictions and supports multiprocessing using the mpi4py module. - Full document can be found `here `__ - `TreeCorr `__ - By Mark Jarvis. **TreeCorr** is actually a very general tool for correlation function. Can be used for number counts, cosmic shear, galaxy-galaxy lensing, and other cosmological applications. - `swot - Super W of Theta `__ - SWOT is a code to compute two-point statistics for very large data sets, based on “divide and conquer” algorithms. `Github repo is here `__ - Is a great tool to do galaxy-galaxy lensing. Shear Measurement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Galaxy shape measurement with corrections for PSF and other systematics. Different lensing surveys often choose different codes or algorithms to calculate shear. - `GREAT3 - The third GRavitational lEnsing Accuracy Testing challenge `__ - **GREAT3** is a blind data analysis competition held by the world-wide weak lensing community to test weak lensing measurement algorithms. - Details about the challenge can be found in the `The Third Gravitational Lensing Accuracy Testing (GREAT3) Challenge Handbook `__ - Summary of the challenge can be found in the `final GREAT3 conference `__ - `Public repository for the code can be found on GitHub `__ - `ngmix - Gaussian mixtures and image processing implemented in python `__ - By Erin Sheldon. Gaussian mixture models and other code for working with for 2d images, implemented in python. - **ngmix** is adopted by the dark energy survey (DES) as one of the shear measurement tools. Examples of running **ngmix** on DES MEDS files can be found `here `__ - `im3shape - galaxy shape measurement code `__ - By Joe Zuntz. **Im3shape** measures the shapes of galaxies in astronomical survey images, taking into account that they have been distorted by a point-spread function. - **Im3shape** is adopted by the dark energy survey (DES) as one of the shear measurement tools. Please also see `Zuntz et al. 2013 `__ - `meas_extensions_shapeHSM : HSM shape measurement `__ - Used by the LSST Data Management. Cosmic Shears Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Weak gravitational lensing CFHTLens analysis `__ - `Public repository for the Monte Python likelihood module for the KiDS-450 cosmic shear correlation functions `__ - This repository contains the likelihood module for the KiDS-450 correlation function measurements from `Hildebrandt et al. 2017 `__ - Also the `public repository for the Monte Python likelihood module for the KiDS+VIKING-450 (KV450) cosmic shear correlation functions `__ Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing Tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `xshear - Measure the tangential shear around a set of lenses `__ - By Erin Sheldon. Measure the tangential shear around a set of lenses. This technique is also known as cross-correlation shear, hence the name xshear. - `xpipe - Weak lensing measurement pipeline for wide area surveys `__ - By Tamás Norbert Varga. **xpipe** is a python package created to automate work with measuring and calibrating weak lensing shear and mass profiles in wide area lensing surveys such as DES - `dsigma - Pure-python galaxy-galaxy lensing framework for the HSC survey `__ - By Song Huang. **dsigma** is a pure-python galaxy-galaxy lensing pipeline designed for the Hyper-Suprime Cam survey. It should be flexible enough to work with other surveys after adapting the same data format. Cluster Lensing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `cluster-lensing - Galaxy Cluster and Weak Lensing Tools `__ - By `Jes Ford `__. **cluster-lensing** is a set of tools to calculate galaxy cluster halo properties and weak lensing shear and magnification profiles. - `Python codes for ongoing cluster analysis of the LSST/DESC cluster group `__ - Some of the relevant notebooks can be found `here `__ Weak Lensing Mass Map ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Glimpse - Sparsity based weak lensing mass-mapping tool `__ - By [François Lanusse]. `Glimpse `__ is a weak lensing mass-mapping tool relying a robust sparsity-based regularisation scheme to recover high resolution convergence from either gravitational shear alone or from a combination of shear and flexion. Please also see `Lanusse et al. 2016 `__ Micro Lensing ------------- - `Microlensing Source `__ - A website that summaries a lot of useful resources and data for microlensing science. - It also hosts the `Microlensing Data Challenge `__ - The data for the challenge can be found `on Github `__ - `Microlensing Hack Session at CCA, 2019 `__ - There is `a summary of resources `__ for micro-lensing analysis and `a series of interesting micro-lensing projects `__ Software ~~~~~~~~ - `muLAn - gravitational MICROlensing Analysis Software `__ - **muLAn** is an easy-to-use and flexile software to model gravitational microlensing events - `MulensModel - Microlensing Modelling package `__ - By Radek Poleski. **MulensModel** can generate a microlensing light curve for a given set of microlensing parameters, fit that light curve to some data, and return a chi2 value - `LIA - Gravitational microlensing detection algorithm using machine learning `__ - **LIA** is an open-source program for detecting microlensing events in wide-field surveys - `pyLIMA - open source for modeling microlensing events `__ - Document for **pyLIMA** can be found `here `__ - `VBBinaryLensing - Microlensing light curve calculation `__ - By Valerio Bozza. **VBBinaryLensing** is a tool for forward modelling of gravitational microlensing events using the advanced contour integration method It supports single and binary lenses.