Extragalactic Astrophysics ========================== - **Just started** HST Surveys and Large Projects ------------------------------ - `3D-HST - A Spectroscopic Galaxy Evolution Survey with the Hubble Space Telescope `__ - 3D-HST surveyed ~600 square arcminutes of well-studied extragalactic survey fields (AEGIS, COSMOS, GOODS-S, UKIDSS-UDS) with two orbits of primary WFC3/G141 grism coverage and two to four orbits with ACS/G800L coverage. The short acquisition images, taken in the WFC3/F140W and ACS/F814W filters used for wavelength reference for the spectra, are also deeper than most ground-based observations. Ground-base Specoscopic Surveys ------------------------------- - `List of spectroscopic surveys by Ivan Baldry `__ - Covers all the “classic” ones, but some links might no longer work any more. - `PRIMUS: PRIsm MUlti-object Survey `__ - A spectroscopic survey to z=1 with ~120,000 robust galaxy redshifts covering >9 sq. deg. of the sky, focusing on regions with deep Spitzer, optical, GALEX and X-ray data. `Data release available `__ - `Lega-C: Large Early Galaxy Astrophysics Census `__ - VIMOS survey of 0.6 < z < 1.0 massive galaxies in the COSMOS field. `Data release available `__ - `zCOSMOS: spectroscopic redshift survey in the COSMOS field `__ - VIMOS survey of 28,000 galaxies at 0.2 < z < 1.2 and 12,000 galaxies at 1.2 < z < 3. `Data release available `__ - Due to the special role of the COSMOS field for spec-z and photo-z calibration, this dataset is also very important. - `VUDS: VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey `__ - VIMOS survey of ~10.000 very faint galaxies to study the major phase of galaxy assembly 2 < z ≲ 6. `Data release available `__ - `MOSDEF: The MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field Survey `__ - Charting the evolution of the rest-frame optical spectra for ~1500 galaxies in three distinct redshift intervals spanning 1.4 < z < 3.8 in AEGIS, COSMOS, and GOODS-N. - `ZFIRE: A Keck/MOSFIRE SPECTROSCOPIC SURVEY OF STAR-FORMING GALAXIES IN RICH ENVIORNMENTS DURING COSMIC-NOON `__ IFU Surveys ~~~~~~~~~~~ - `MUSE-Wide project `__ - MUSE Survey of GOODS-S/CDFS and CANDELS-COSMOS areas. - `SINS: Spectroscopic Imaging survey in the Near-infrared with SINFONI `__ - `KDS: KMOS Deep Survey `__ - A KMOS study of the gas kinematics and metallicity in 77 SFGs with a median redshift of z ≃ 3.5, probing a representative section of the galaxy main-sequence. - `KCS: KMOS Cluster Survey `__ - A 30-night KMOS GTO program performing deep absorption-line spectroscopy in four main overdensities at 1.39 < z < 1.8 and one lower-priority overdensity at z = 1.04 to bridge our high-redshift observations with the local sample. Groud-base Imaging Surveys -------------------------- - `Deep Hyper Suprime-Cam Images and a Forced Photometry Catalog in W-CDF-S `__ - Both catalogs and reduced HSC data are available here - Associated RNASS note can be found `here `__ - `ALHAMBRA: Advance Large Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical `__ - `PAU: Narrow-band Survey using the PAUCam `__ MIR or FIR Surveys ------------------ - `SPARCS - Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves `__ - SPARC is a database of 175 late-type galaxies (spirals and irregulars) with Spitzer photometry at 3.6 mu (tracing the stellar mass distribution) and high-quality HI/Ha rotation curves Radio Surveys ------------- - `PHIBSS: Plateau de Bure high-z Blue Sequence Survey `__ - `EMPIRE - EMIR Multiline Probe of the ISM Regulating Galaxy Evolution `__ - The first wide-area multi-line mapping survey targeting tracers of dense gas across the entire molecular disks of 9 nearby star-forming galaxies. - EMPIRE provides, for the first time, resolved (1-2kpc resolution) maps of a suite of density-sensitive transitions in the 3mm atmospheric window, including HCN (1-0), HCO+ (1-0) and HNC (1-0). X-ray or High-Energy Surveys ---------------------------- Useful dataset and tools ------------------------ - `LASD - Lyman Alpha Spectral Database `__ - Lyman Alpha Spectral Database will facilitate comparison of Lya spectral modeling and observations. Simulation and other model predictions -------------------------------------- - `Semi-Analytic Forecasts for JWST using Santa Cruz SAM `__ - We provide predictions for galaxy populations over a wide range of rest UV luminosity from MUV ∼ −6 to ∼ −24 between z = 4 – 10.