Image Redcution and CCD Related =============================== - On the general topic of optical/NIR detector and data reduction. Tutorial and Guide ------------------ - `A guide to CCD data reduction and stellar photometry using astropy and affiliated packages `__ - Only use **astropy** affiliated Python packages. Software -------- Display CCD Images ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `SAOImage DS9 - Astronomical imaging and data visualization application `__ - DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. DS9 is actually a very powerful tool for displaying and manipulating image. `Here is a very nice guide `__ - `pyds9 - Python connection to SAOimage DS9 via XPA `__ - `imexam by astropy - Python version of the famous imexamine in IRAF `__ - **imexam** is a python tool for simple image examination, and plotting, with similar functionality to IRAF’s imexamine. `Online document is here `__ - `ginga - astronomical FITS file viewer `__ - **Ginga** is a toolkit designed for building viewers for scientific image data in Python, visualizing 2D pixel data in numpy arrays. `Online document is here `__ - `regions by astropy - Astropy affiliated package for region handling `__ General Reduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Modern imaging surveys or major astronomical cameras are often equipped with speciallized data reduction pipelines. For example: - `DECam Community Pipeline `__ - `The Elixir System for CFHT MegaCam `__ - `The HSC Pipeline `__ - `ccdproc - Astropy affiliated package for reducing optical/IR CCD data `__ - **ccdproc** is is an affiliated package for the AstroPy package for basic data reductions of CCD images. The ccdproc package provides many of the necessary tools for processing of ccd images built on a framework to provide error propagation and bad pixel tracking throughout the reduction process. `Documents can be found here `__ Image Detrend and Correction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cosmic Ray Removal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - `astroscrappy by astropy - Speedy Cosmic Ray Annihilation Package in Python `__ - **Astro-SCRAPPY** is designed to detect cosmic rays in images (numpy arrays), based on Pieter van Dokkum’s **L.A.Cosmic** algorithm. - `The original L.A.Cosmic code - Laplacian Cosmic Ray Identification `__ - `lacosmicx - A fast implementation of the LA Cosmic algorithm `__ Satellite Trail Removal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - `ASTRiDE - Automated Streak Detection for Astronomical Images `__ - By Dae-Won Kim. **ASTRiDE** aims to detect streaks in astronomical images using a “border” of each object - `pyradon - Python tools for streak detection in astronomical images using the Fast Radon Transform `__ - By Guy Nir. Based on `Optimal and Efficient Streak Detection in Astronomical Images `__. The `Matlab version is here `__ “Brighter-Fatter” Effect ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The “Brighter-Fatter” effect is a direct consequence of the distortions of the drift electric field sourced by charges accumulated within the CCD during the exposure and experienced by forthcoming light-induced charges in the same exposure. It affects both deep-depleted and thinned CCD sensors. - `The brighter-fatter effect and pixel correlations in CCD sensors `__ - `The Brighter-Fatter and other sensor effects in CCD simulations for precision astronomy `__ - `Exploring the Brighter-fatter Effect with the Hyper Suprime-Cam `__ - `Brighter-fatter effect in near-infrared detectors – I. Theory of flat auto-correlations `__ - `nghxrg - Teledyne HxRG Read Noise Generator `__ - `Brighter-fatter effect in near-infrared detectors – II. Auto-correlation analysis of H4RG-10 flats `__ - `Is Flat fielding Safe for Precision CCD Astronomy? `__ Astrometric Calibration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ` – automatic recognition of astronomical images `__ - Made by Dustin Lang. The best astrometric calibration tool on the market. - `SCAMP from `__ - **SCAMP** reads SExtractor catalogs and computes astrometric and photometric solutions for any arbitrary sequence of FITS images in a completely automatic way. Photometric Calibration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `FGCM - Forward Global Calibration Method `__ - Based on the algorithm developed in `Forward Global Photometric Calibration of the Dark Energy Survey in Burke et al. 2018 `__ - The `FGCM Cookbook `__ is very good place to start. - The `Global Photometric Calibration in LSST with FGCM `__ Image Reproection and Co-addition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `drizzle - A package for combining dithered images into a single image `__ - The drizzle library is a Python package for combining dithered images into a single image. This library is derived from code used in DrizzlePac. Like DrizzlePac, most of the code is implemented in the C language. - `The original drizzlepac library for HST images `__ - `The online document for DrizzlePac `__ - `reproject by astropy - Python-based Astronomical image reprojection `__ - By reprojection, we mean the re-gridding of images from one world coordinate system to another (for example changing the pixel resolution, orientation, coordinate system). - `SWarp by `__ - **SWarp** is a program that resamples and co-adds together FITS images using any arbitrary astrometric projection defined in the WCS standard - `Montage - Image Mosaic Software for Astronomers `__ - **Montage** is a toolkit for assembling Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) images into custom mosaics. `Online document is here `__ - It is also on `Github `__. And there is an `Image Mosaic Service `__ for 2MASS, SDSS, WISE images. - `montage-wrapper - Python wrapper for the Montage mosaicking toolkit `__ - This package provides a python wrapper to the Montage Astronomical Image Mosaic Engine - `Jupyter notebooks illustrating the use of the Python version of Montage `__